Tessa posnansky

commercials | about




Tessa Posnansky was born in Uganda, and raised in Ghana and England, before a family move brought her to Los Angeles.

Starting her career as an Art Director in the heyday of music videos she worked with and learned from the pioneers of the genre, remembering the days as a creative Wild Wild West. The projects were numerous and varied, with low budgets and high ideals. This experience gave her the ability to deliver big on style but remain nimble with any budget. Transitioning into film she worked as a Set Decorator on films including American History X, The Cell, One Hour Photo and Runaway Jury. This allowed her to collaborate with fellow designers and earned her a reputation for exquisite attention to detail. The birth of her son brought her back to the more accommodating world of Commercials where she continues to work as a Production Designer. Using every skill and tool learned along the way to continue to tell stories, and with contacts that span more than two decades, she enjoys the same collaborative approach that has kept her inspired since the very beginning.